Stop Australia's land clearing crisis

Dear ,

Thank you so much for your support of our work. Without community support, we could not do the vital work we do to protect nature. Thank you.

You recently supported our work ensuring that BP would never drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight. I’m sure you’ve heard the fantastic news by now... WE WON!!

After months of lobbying, BP finally withdrew their application and the entire nation breathed a huge sigh of relief. , while that was a huge win, and something I’m so proud of, I need your help today to fight another battle.

Right now, we are in the midst of a land clearing epidemic.

Did you know that in Queensland alone, an area the size of the MCG is cleared every three minutes? Gigantic chains attached to bulldozers are being dragged across the land, knocking down everything in their path, including our native wildlife.

Can you donate a small amount to break the chain?

Stop land clearing

Land clearing is devastating the nature I love. Listen to these terrible facts:

  • Around 20% of Australian mammals, 7% of reptiles and 13% of birds are listed as Extinct, Endangered or Vulnerable.
  • More than 100 species have become extinct in New South Wales in the last 200 years.
  • Currently 1,700 animal and plant species are at risk of extinction, including the koala.

I’m not going to sit by and watch this reckless mutilation of our land continue. I’m going to do something about it. Will you join me?

Give now

Please make a donation today.

Yours for nature,

Lyndon Schneiders
National Director

P.S. Thousands of hectares of Australian forests are being cleared every day. Please donate today to break the chain.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641

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