Say no to CSG
Stop Santos now

Your last chance this year to
make a tax-deductible donation
to save the Pilliga from Santos.

Right now, Santos is gearing up to drill 850 coal seam gas wells in the Pilliga. Locals rely on this forest for water. Endangered wildlife call it home. Help us stop this environmental disaster. Support the local community against the mining giant.

Make a tax-deductible donation to save the Pilliga.

Donate today

How your donation will be used

Rigorously lobby decision-makers.

Get all of our research into mainstream media.

Fund independent experts to refute Santos' claims.

Support events to build resistance against Santos.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641

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