Fairy Possum critically endangered

What we’re doing to save an entire species

Dear ,

We’re working to help bring the Fairy Possum back from the brink – are you with us?

It’s no mean feat to save native wildlife from extinction, but this and the protection of their native habitats has been the Wilderness Society’s core motivation for over 35 years.

With your help, we’re determined to ensure that the Fairy Possum, which has lived in the tall forests of the Central Victorian Highlands for over 20 million years, has a long and happy future.

But as with all fairytales, where there is a shy and defenceless fairy to be saved, there is also a villain that must be stopped.

What’s the plan?

Our years of conservation work and study of scientific analysis in the Central Highland forests of Victoria has revealed one very sobering fact that stands out from everything else:

If logging of native forests in the Fairy Possum’s only home on Earth continues at its current rate, the Fairy Possum will become extinct within your lifetime.

Help us fight for the Fairy Possum and for the protection of its only home. Together we can try to save a forest from destruction and an entire species from extinction.

Five Fairy Possum facts

  1. Has lived in Central Highlands of Victoria for 20 million years
  2. Endangered marsupial, only around 1,500 remain in the wild
  3. Its preferred home is the hollows of Mountain Ash trees
  4. Mountain Ash are the tallest flowering plants in the world
  5. Fairy Possum is the state animal emblem of Victoria.

Yours for nature,

Vica Bayley
National Director

P.S. We are following a six-step plan to protect the Fairy Possum from extinction based on the recommendations from Professor David Lindenmayer who has studied the possum for over 30 years. You can read more on our website.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641
Web: www.wilderness.org.au

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