Thank you

You are a part of a movement for nature

Dear ,

It is brilliant that you’ve decided to join our movement for nature – thank you!

The Wilderness Society is an organisation that fights to protect nature and all that it nourishes, including us! It was our work that ended 30 years of bitter fighting by brokering the Tasmanian Forest Agreement. It was with help from people like you that we convinced the World Heritage Committee to deny the Abbott Governments request to repeal the World Heritage Listing for these same forests.

We are a grassroots organisation, which relies on people-power to achieve great environmental outcomes for Australia – both today and well into the future. It is this same people power that is tackling the fossil fuel industry head on to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Like you, we believe that nature is precious and we want to preserve it. Without it, without you, we all perish.

Our supporters, which you can now call yourself one of, are responsible for helping communities in the Pilliga regions stand up against an invasive gas industry. It is your people power that has previously helped us keep precious parts of Australia free from destructive developments.

Thank you again for your support, you inspire us to do our work to protect wilderness and all its animals.

Yours for nature,

Lyndon Schneiders
National Director

P.S. We made the decision to concentrate our efforts on some pretty ambitious goals and you’ll hear from us via Wild News as we keep you updated with the latest from our campaigns.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641

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