Tassie Devils need a safe place to live

Five reasons to pay attention

Dear ,

I just love hearing ‘did you know’ facts about animals, don’t you?

Today’s animal is the Tassie Devil. Let’s see how many you already know!

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  1. When Tassie Devils are angry, their ears turn red.
  2. Hundreds of years ago, Tasmanian Devils lived on the Australian mainland, as well as Tasmania.
  3. They can eat up to 40% of their body weight in one day.
  4. The fatter the tail, the healthier the Devil! That’s because Tassie Devils store excess fat in their tails.

Here’s the last fact, and it’s not fun. In the last 20 years, we’ve lost 80% of the Devil population to facial tumour disease.

Right now the Devil is fighting to survive. But did you know that there is one place the Devil is winning against the odds?

Yours for nature,

Vica Bayley
Tasmanian Campaigns Manager

P.S. Will you help protect the Devil's home? The Tarkine in north-west Tasmania is one of the only places left on Earth where Tassie Devils are not affected by the deadly disease.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
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