Protect the bilby

Keep fossil fuels in the ground

Dear ,

Numbers can be quite fascinating. Numbers like:

  1. One: There is one place in Australia where all native mammals have survived European settlement.
  2. One: The one place where you can find the cute and tenacious bilby.
  3. 60,000 years: The age of the oldest rock art in the world, which is found in this region.
  4. 100 million years: That’s how old the dinosaur tracks are in this magnificent place!
Where is this?

This place is dotted with cool freshwater oases in a sunbaked land. Here you can find clean, healthy rivers full of native fish and get a chance to see bilbies, turtles, frill-necked lizards, golden bandicoots and rock wallabies.

It’s a place of dreams – rugged and mostly untouched by destructive developments.

Let’s keep it that way.

See this place

Yours for nature,

Peter Robertson
Kimberley Campaigner

P.S. It’s also the location of the largest underground store of coal, gas and oil in the southern hemisphere. It's our job to make sure we keep these fossil fuels in the ground, where it belongs.

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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
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