Movement for life

Movement for life

Dear ,

My name is Maddy and I wanted to share my story with you about why and how I support The Wilderness Society.

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Movement for Life is a program created to make people aware of the challenges we face to protect nature. It’s all about conversations and spreading the fantastic work of The Wilderness Society. I joined Movement for Life because I want my children to grow up in a world safe from pollution, where our wilderness and nature are protected and strong.

Thanks for supporting the work of The Wilderness Society and making a difference.

Please take a moment to watch this short clip explaining why I joined Movement for Life and the power one conversation can have.



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The Wilderness Society

Authorised by Lyndon Schneiders
© The Wilderness Society

GPO Box 716, Hobart Tasmania 7001, Australia.
ABN: 18 611 229 086
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641

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