Headline: title of the email, max six words

Headline: title of the email, max six words

Dear ,

Section: introduction. Word limit: 120 words. The intro will help personalise the email, from one person (Campaign Manager/Coordinator), who has a name and face, to another (our reader).

The intro will tell the reader what TWS is doing, but more importantly, it should tell the reader what s/he can do. The entire email should be reader-oriented "here's what you can do; here's how you've helped; here's to you!" 120 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

NOTE: If you extend the length of intro - make sure you cut down the length of other sections. An email should not exceed 400 words.

Yours for nature,

Peter Owen
The Wilderness Society South Australia.

News  |  Events  |  Volunteer  |  Update your info

In the news

News no. 1 subheading. Add title here, max 6 words

News no 1: Word-limit: 70 words. Write a summary here and link it to a more detailed article on the website. Add a big image to this sub-section. This news item should also a call-to-action, like: read more, find out more, sign petition, etc. NOTE: If you extend the length of News no. 1 – make sure you cut down the length of other sections. 70 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

NOTE: You can edit the subheadings in the email but DO NOT edit these three green headings: In the news, Attend an event and Volunteer with us. Doing so will break the menu.

Take action

News no. 2 subheading Add title here, max 6 words

News no 2: Word-limit: 50 words. Write a summary here and link it to a more detailed article on the website. Add a small image to this sub-section. NOTE: If you extend the length of News 2 - make sure you cut the length of other sections. 50 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

Attend an event

Event 1 subheading Add title here, max 6 words

Attend an event subheading 1: Word-limit: 50 words. Write a summary here and link it to the events page on the website. Add a small image to this sub-section. NOTE: If you extend the length of this section - make sure you cut the length elsewhere. 50 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

Volunteer with us

Volunteer with us: Give a short introduction to this section and link it to the relevant page. Word limit: 50 words. If you extend the length of this section make sure you cut the length of other sections. An email should not exceed 400 words. 50 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

Volunteer of the month

Volunteer of the month: Word limit: 50 words. You can change the title of this sub-heading to 'Person of the month' or anything you prefer. Add a small image to this sub-section. If you exceed the word-limit of this section, do cut the length elsewhere. 50 WORDS OVER. STOP WRITING.

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The Wilderness Society South Australia

Authorised by Peter Owen
© The Wilderness Society

Level 7, 118 King William St, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia.
ABN: 48 718 158 379
Enquiries: Freecall 1800 030 641
Web: www.wilderness.org.au

It's easy to update your email preferences and contact details or unsubscribe. Be sure to add info@wilderness.org.au to your address book or safe senders list so our emails get to your inbox. Protecting your personal information is our priority. You can read our Privacy Policy and Collection Statement..